Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Root Chakra

(This is part of a set that I am drawing for this series)

With the chakras, you will literally be working  from the ground up. The first chakra is your root chakra. It is located at the base of your spine.

The Zodiac signs for this chakra are Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus.

The 4th Ray of "Harmony through Conflict" governs the base, or root chakra. This chakra symbol represents the most earth centered chakra. It stands for our inherited beliefs through our formative years. Self-preservation, personal survival and our identification with the physical world centers in this bottom most of the main seven chakras.

A healthy root chakra connects you with vitality to your family origin, your immediate society and to the global community. If your first 7 years were challenging and without love, then this damaged root chakra will function much differently. Issues of survival such as emotional dysfunction, stress, anxiousness, and restlessness will plague you.
You'll have fears of letting go, scarcity, poor boundaries, and more. It's during the first 7 years that we learn about where we fall in our relationships with our siblings, parents, our community, and how we relate to them.
I personally have always felt like I had to work a bit harder to get this chakra aligned, especially when my mind tends to wonder to the past.

Some health issues that you may experience with an out of balance root chakra are joint pain, lower backache, elimination problems, obesity, constipation, anorexia, and poor immune system function.

If you are experiencing any of these things, it is a good sign that your root chakra is out of balance.

Some questions to keep in mind when dealing with an out of balanced root chakra:
1. What beliefs did you inherit or learn from your family?
2.Is there unfinished business between you and your parents?
3.What limiting beliefs did you learn about personal survival and money?
4.Do you have personal boundaries that you maintain?
5. Is it difficult for you to bond with others?
6. Are you often sick or suffering from illness?

As the root chakra is the first chakra, it is the most physical one. This means that any activity that makes you more aware of your physical body will strengthen this chakra. It is the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment, and the Earth.  Muladhara is the most instinctual of all chakras. It is your survival center. The fight-or-flight response comes from this chakra. It is your primal, animal nature.

Any type of physical activity will help strengthen this chakra. Sports, walking, yoga, martial arts, even your everyday tasks can be beneficial; like house cleaning or hand washing the dishes, even folding laundry. It's important to not over do it, or do things that would make you insensitive to pain. This will only hinder your chances of clearing a blockage. Meditation also helps, as it makes one more aware of the physical body.

The energy of this chakra allows us to harness courage, resourcefulness, and the will to live during trying times. It connects us to the spiritual energies of our ancestors, and their challenges and triumphs.

All of the 7 chakras are important and all interconnected with eachother. Usually when you balance one chakra it will create change in another. That being said, it is important to balance the root chakra first! If your root chakra is imbalanced  thaen you will lack the stability or rootedness that is necessary for true transformation and personal growth. We cannot grow and change unless we feel safe and secure.

Grounding is usually the first thing I do when I feel as though my root chakra is out of balance. You can do this either sitting or standing, whatever works best for you.

Stand up or sit up straight and relax.
Put your feet shoulder width apart or sit in easy sitting pose (criss cross applesauce)
If you are standing, slightly bend your knees and put your pelvis somewhat forward.
You want to make sure that your weight is evenly distributed between the soles and balls of your feet.
Sink your weight downward.
If you are sitting, place your hands next to you on the ground palms facing down.
Also, sink your weight downward.
Whatever position you are in, envision roots coming out from either your hands or your feet.
Relax your mind and focus on your breathing.
Push all of the negative or built up energy that you have down through your hands and feet.
Do this for several minutes until you feel calm and collected.

Contracting the Bottom Muscles can also be helpful in strengthening your root chakra.
For women, you can do kegal exercises, or just work on your muscles between your butt and genitals. I find that clenching your butt cheeks also helps. (Imagine pinching a penny between your butt cheeks.) Every time you contract your muscles inward, take a deep breath; and exhale when you relax the muscles. Do this for several minutes. This exercise can be done anytime; sitting, standing, even walking. It's great for when you don't have too much time.

Now lets move on to some Chakra Yoga!

Yoga itself is both a physical and spiritual practice. Yoga poses are not only exercises for your body, but also for your mind, emotions and spirit, which makes it the perfect practice for balancing the chakras. The best poses to balance your root chakra are ones that will enhance your connection with the Earth, poses that keep you rooted and grounded.

First there is Mountain Pose. Most basic of yoga poses. You are literally just standing there. lol. No, but really...This pose encourages your connection to Mother Earth. It connects you with your own body and grounds you in the present moment.
First, make sure you are barefoot. Stand straight with your hands at your sides. Make sure that your upper body, including your neck and shoulders are relaxed.
Next, begin focusing on your breathing. Take deep slow deep breaths into your belly, then exhale. Continue to do this, focusing on each breath,
Now turn your focus to the ground beneath your feet. Spread your toes and lift them off the ground. Do this several times.
Imagine roots spreading from your feet deep down into the Earth (much like the grounding exercise). Feel the stability and connection that the roots are giving you.
Continue breathing slowly and evenly. With your roots running deep, you are now standing strong as a Mountain.

Next is Warrior One Pose. This root chakra yoga pose allows your prana or "life force" to move through your body, rooting you through the first chakra.
As you breathe in this posture, visualize the color red flowing through your body and flowing into your base chakra.
Warrior One pose physically strengthens your legs, opens up your hips and can help with knee and lower back strength.
First, stand in Tadsana or Mountain Pose-easy, you just learned that one!
Take a deep breath and on an exhale step your left foot back about 3.5 feet.
Turn your left foot to about a 45 degree angle. Make sure it is firmly planted and touching the ground.
On an exhale, bend your right knee over the right ankle so that your shin is perpendicular to the floor. If you can, bring your right thigh parallel with the floor. (I'm not quite there yet)
Raise your arms above your head and touch the palms together (as in prayer position)
Breathe deeply and hold this position for one minute.
Finally, bend your knees and step your feet back together. Repeat for the other side.

Last is Bridge Pose. This is a dynamic root chakra yoga pose that allows your feet to be firmly rooted into the Earth and your spine engaged in the release of excess root chakra energy.
It also stimulates the throat chakra, opens the heart and solar plexus chakras, and balances the sacral chakra. (This is a great pose to go back to anytime)
Begin by laying on your back with your arms to your sides, palms facing down.
Bend your knees and keep your feet hip-width apart.
Bring your heels close to your body so that you can feel the tips of your fingers.
Without losing contact with the ground, press your feet into the mat. Engage your leg muscles, but don't lift yourself up. Feel the energy flowing through your legs. Breathe deeply.
Press your feet even more and lift your butt and lower back off the ground. Press the chest upward.
You can support yourself in this position with your hands on your lower back.
Breathe slowly and evenly and hold the pose for one minute.

On a sidenote for the Bridge Pose...ladies, if you have larger assets in your upper region, be sure you are wearing a sports bra to keep those puppies contained. It can feel as though they are trying to suffocate you. (problems I used to have. LOL)

Generally I continue to do the rest of my chakra yoga to balance my entire body, but these can be done separately as well. I do hope this helps you all in your journey to balance and strengthen your chakras.

Transcendence of unloving imprints in this chakra: "Others show you yourself and what you need to work on within, by their reflection of your own rejected or denied emotions."

May your light shine so brightly upon others that they too want to be a beacon unto the world

1 comment:

  1. Remember the movie Avatar?

    Where all those blue people were connected by an

    They were able to communicate with plants and

    Well, that is not just a fantasy.

    It turns out that kind of “energy” is real.

    Deepak Chopra wrote about a study, where scientists
    saw monkeys dipping potatoes in saltwater before
    eating it.

    Then they saw the rest of the tribe doing it.

    Pretty logical so far right?

    But get this: Monkeys in different parts of the WORLD
    started dipping potatoes in salt water.

    There was no way they could have communicated
    with each other.

    The only explanation was that they communicated
    through an invisible, “intelligent energy.”

    The Japanese call this energy “Ki”.

    It stands for “Life Force”

    In fact, a man named Mikao Usui developed a
    SYSTEM of healing called Reiki.

    And this system of healing uses this intelligent energy
    to heal people.

    It is one of the most ancient, profound and
    POWERFUL healing arts in the world.

    Reiki masters can HEAL just by touching someone
    with their hands.

    They can also heal people REMOTELY using their

    It’s amazing.

    It USED to take YEARS and THOUSANDS of dollars
    to become a Reiki master.

    But this guy named Owen Coleman discovered how
    to attain these healing powers rapidly.

    Even in as little as 48 hours.

    According to him he already had this power, but
    don’t realize it. And that’s we don’t have to spend too
    much time learning it.

    We just need to recognize it and release it.

    [Check out his presentation on Reiki here.]

    Alright, till next time.

    Yours Truly,
    Chandalie Perera

    P.S. - Owen is offering a special training that
    won't be around forever.

    He's planning on releasing his training methods on
    a large scale.

    But for now, it is invitation only.

    So, if I were you, I'd take advantage of that as well.

    Look forward to hearing from you!

    [Click here]
