Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Managing Stress and Anxiety


So, these past few months have been really trying on my part. Not just physically, but mentally as well. I realized that no matter what I do physically to try and get my health under control; spell candles, doctor visits, herbal remedies, etc, if I am not in the right frame of mind, then it will all be for naught. I have to believe that the regimen I am on is going to work. I have to put my intent into my magickal workings, and actually mean it. Not just hollow words. I guess that's why it took me so long to actually do any healing magick on myself in the first place. I wasn't in the right frame of mind. I hadn't come to grips with the fact that I am no longer the same person I was 6 months ago, 3 months ago, or even yesterday. I am everchanging. So is my body. It just took my mind a bit longer to catch up with the rest of me. But I'm glad it finally did. 

That being said, I have been doing a small meditation every day (almost). To try and relieve my stress and anxiety. If any of you are like me, then you have a mind that doesn't like to slow down. If one thing happens, my mind is already trying to decipher all of the possible outcomes that could happen next. It's exhausting. So...I meditate. At night I do guided meditations to help me sleep. (I will try to post about that another time.) But, in the mornings to help me get through the day I do a simple meditation, just focusing on my breath and nothing else. 

Making sure that I am in a comfortable position, (usually criss cross applesauce)
I say this mantra several times before I begin. (as many as I feel I need for the day to let go of all my stresses)

Calm my heart
Calm my mind
to a place where negative energy dies.
Let all anxieties melt away
So that I might be whole again.
With each deep breath my nerves subside
In the universe I must abide.
All stresses gone, I'm worry free
This is my will, so mote it be!

From there I just close my eyes and take deep breaths, focusing on the air filling my lungs with positive energy and then releasing my breath slowly while picturing all of life's worries being blown away with them. 

Everyone has stress and anxiety nowadays. But not everyone has a way to deal with it. If meditating doesn't work for you, try other things. Sometimes when it's really bad for me I will write down all of the things that are bothering me. (This may take awhile.) Then, I either fold it up, or crumble it, depending on my mood, light it on fire (usually done outside) and watch the stress fly away with the smoke.

If you are REALLY feeling stressed out, just try everything all together! LOL. Do whatever works for you and for the situation that you are in. Not all stress and anxiety is the same. Sometimes you just need some fresh air, a good book, and a large cup o' joe. These are just some examples to hopefully help you get out of the funk you may be experiencing. Once again, these work for me, but may not work for you. Do what feels right to you. Your intuition will never steer you wrong.

And remember, "Don't be a dick".

Love and light to you all. )O(

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