Friday, March 18, 2016

Goddess Bath Ritual

Lately I have been very disconnected and faltering, and I knew that not only did I need a serious grounding I needed to reconnect with my Goddess. I realized then that I had let this most wonderful gift of Goddess connection slip through the minutes and hours and days of life. At that moment of realization I was seriously mournful for the time that I had neglected my most sacred of spiritual kindred.

I am a water sign so I can most relax and open my mind and body up in water, my chakras can spin a whirlpool in the proper body of water. So of course I thought of this Goddess bath ritual that I used to do all the time.

I set it up proper (I wasn't going to cut any corners now)

I set a delicious blend of oils bubbling in my diffuser in my bedroom with a low lamp on so when I came out of the bath the energy would still be soothing. I lit three 3 white 7 day glass candles and placed them on the edge of the bath. (3 for Maiden Mother Crone) If for some reason a candle would be dislodge from it's spot it should only be able to fall into the bath so no fire hazards!

I have a bath salt blend made for me by a dear friend, the salt in the water consecrated my ritual space just fine. My salts have lavender flowers in them which helps me to relax but you can add what ever herbs or oils that will help you connect.

I had music playing but this is mot necessary.

Once I was in the piping hot water I submerged myself, with my ears under the water, eyes closed. I focused on my heartbeat, for quite a few minutes. Once your mind stops racing and all of your focus is on your own body and your own heartbeat, call to your Goddess, out loud even. I hummed, humming can raise your energy level and under the water it complete fills your senses. Then when you stop it's quiet, like really quiet. You can hear anything that anyone is trying to tell you. To help keep out and other voices if you are so inclined to talk to spirits keep your focus on your Goddess, call her by name, ask her a question let your mind wonder onto what she looks like without giving her a fixed image. Sometimes she can look very different then what we think she looks like.

If you don't hear a loud voice saying 'Hey, what do you want?' don't be disheartened. Take notice of where you mind starts to wander, are these more questions or revelations? Are these answers or a beginning of a journey? Do you have any sensations of comfort or discomfort? Is she happy to hear from you or does she have a harsh lesson planned for you? These are all valid forms of communication. Open yourself completely to her, let her energy fill your senses.

If you hear nothing, feel nothing, sense nothing, don't fret. Maybe water isn't your ideal medium to conduct your energy. But if you did... if you did, remember that feeling. That is a beautiful priceless gift.

Always thank Her, once you feel any and all messages have been relayed.

After my mediation I sit up in the water and wake up a bit and focus on mundane life again. I usually wash my face. Then when I'm ready to get out I pull the water stopper and sit in the bath until it is completely empty. I visualize all of the disconnection and faltering going straight down the drain. With the lowering of the water you can feel all of the baggage that you don't want to take out of the bath being pulled from you and going down the drain.

I felt completely rejuvenated and completely peaceful afterwards.

If you try this remember to be careful not to fall asleep in the bath! If that is a possibility maybe have a bath spotter watching out for you. Safety first!

Let us know how you connect with your Goddess best, and if you do try this let us know if it worked for you.


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